BBE 422 Sonic Maximizer/ FURMAN M-8D ??

BBE 422 Sonic Maximizer i FURMAN M-8D. Czy mógłby mi ktoś wyjaśnić czym
są te dwie rzeczy tak często spotykane razem z SVT 3pro.


1 komentarz

  1. Kapral

    Często spotykane z Svt3Pro? Skąd ta informacja? Ja nigdy nie widziałem,
    żeby ktoś używał Sonic Maximizera i Furmana z tym wzmacniaczem.

    A czym są te sprzęty? A czemu pytasz? Google się popsuło?

    The Sonic Maximizer breaks down your signal into three categories: Bass, Mids, Highs (duh, uh, duh duh duh, uh, duh). What it does is simple but ingenius: the Sonic Maximizer puts slight but inaudible delays on the Mid and Bass bands. The Sonic Maximizer plays the highs as they come in, slightly delays the mids, and plays the lows last. Why is this important? Well, typically, when all the frequencies are hitting the speaker cone at once, they can confuse the cone as it has to vibrate in a way that represents all the frequencies. With the Sonic Maximizer, the speaker has time to deal with each band of frequency individually, which SIGNIFICANTLY clears up your signal. Think about it: the speaker starts with the treble (when its moving fastest), then plays mids (medium speed), and then the lows (the slowest). Its like slowing your car to a stop, or stopping your car by hitting the emergency break.

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